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Safety Wiring 방법

ko.konene 발행일 : 2011-01-28

항공기 정비에서 기초적이면서 가장 중요한 부분이기도 합니다... 다양한 방법의 우리나라 말로 안전결선 영어로는 Safety Wiring이라 불리는 방법을 소개합니다.
가장 중요한 것은 나사가 조여지는 방향에 맞춰서 와이어링 해야합니다.
안배운사람도 당연히 풀리는걸 막기위해서 와이어링 하는거니까 오른쪽방향으로 와이어링 해야하는건 당연하게 생각하지만 일이 바쁘다보면 간혹 실수로 반대방향으로 와이어링 하는 경우가 있습니다.
대체로 왼손잡이 사람이 간혹 실수를 하더군요..ㅎㅎ왼손잡이한테는 왼쪽으로 돌리는게 편해서 그런가...
길이에 맞춰서 와이어를 잘라주어야 하는데 처음에는 와이어를 너무 길게 자르거나 너무 짧게잘라버려서 버려야하는 아주 안타깝고 아까운 상황이 발생합니다.

Step   1.   Assemble  the  unit.  Torque  the  bolts  and carefully align the safety wire holes.
Step   2.    Insert  the  proper  size  wire  through  the hole in the first bolt.

Step   3.   Bend  the  left  end  of  the  wire  clockwise around  the  bolt  head  and  under  the  other  end  of  the wire.

Step   4.   Pull  the  loop  tight  against  the  bolt  head. Grasp both ends of the wire. Twist them in a clockwise direction until the end of the braid is just short of the second bolt.

Step   5.    Check   to   ensure   that   the   loop   is   still tightly  in  place  around  the  first  bolt  head.  Grasp  the wire with pliers just beyond the end of the braid. While holding it taut, twist it in a clockwise direction until the braid is stiff.

NOTE: The braid must be tight enough to resist friction or vibration wear, but should not be overtightened.

Step   6.    Insert  the  upper  end  of  the  safety  wire through the hole in the second bolt. Pull the braid until it is taut.

Step   7.   Bring the other end of the wire  counter- clockwise around the bolt head and under the protruding wire end.

Step   8.  Tighten the loop and braid the wire ends in a counterclockwise direction. Grasp the wire with the pliers  just  beyond  the  end  of  the  braid  and  twist  in  a counterclockwise direction until the braid is stiff. Make sure you keep the wire under tension.

Step   9. With  a  final  twisting  motion,  bend  the braid to the right and against the head of the bolt.

Step   10.    Cut the braid, being careful that between three   and   six   full   twists   still   remain.   Avoid   sharp projecting ends.

Figure   5-23   shows   various   methods   commonly used in safety wiring nuts, bolts, and screws. Examples 1, 2, and 5 of figure 5-23 show the proper method of safety  wiring  bolts,  screws,  square  head  plugs,  and similar  parts  when  wired  in  pairs.  Examples  6  and  7 show a single-threaded component wired to a housing or lug. Example 3 shows several components wired in series. Example 4 shows the proper method of wiring castellated  nuts  and  studs.  Note  that  there  is  no  loop around the nut. Example 8 shows several components in a closely spaced, closed geometrical pattern, using the single-wire method.

When drilled-head bolts, screws, or other parts are grouped  together,  they  are  more  conveniently  safety wired to each other in a series rather than individually. The number of nuts, bolts, or screws that may be safety wired     together     depends     on     the     application.     For instance,  when  you  are  safety  wiring  widely  spaced bolts  by  the  double-twist  method,  a  group  of  three should be the maximum number in a series.

When you are safety wiring closely spaced bolts, the number that can be safety wired by a 24-inch length of wire is the maximum in a series. The wire is arranged in  such  a  manner  that  if  the  bolt  or  screw  begins  to loosen, the force applied to the wire is in the tightening direction. 5-16 ANF0523


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