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Russia's invasion of Ukraine became a reality. In a fiery speech on Monday night, Putin blasted Kyiv's growing security ties with the West, and in lengthy remarks about the history of the USSR and the formation of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, appeared to cast doubt on Ukraine's right to self-determination. "Ukraine has never had traditions of its own statehood," he said, calling the eastern part of the country "ancient Russian la.. (구)카테고리/해외화제 2022. 2. 22.
터키의 역사 터키여행하려면 필요한 터키환율 외화재태크 목차 터키(Turkey) 터키 환율, 터키라는 국가의 역사를 알아보자! 터키 터키 공화국(터키어: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 튀르키예 줌후리예티[*]), 약칭 터키(터키어: Türkiye 튀르키예[*])는 서아시아의 아나톨리아와 유럽 남동부 발칸 반도의 동트라키아에 걸친 국가이다. 수도는 앙카라이며 가장 큰 도시는 이스탄불이다. 북서쪽으로는 그리스와 불가리아와 접경하고 있으며, 북동쪽으로는 조지아가 위치해 있고, 동부로는 아르메니아, 아제르바이잔, 이란이 위치하며, 남동쪽으로는 이라크, 남쪽에는 시리아와 지중해가 자리하고 있으며, 서쪽으로는 에게 해가 있다. 대략 70%에서 80%에 달하는 인구가 터키인이며, 나머지 인구는 소수민족인데, 그들 중 쿠르드인이 15%에서 20% 정도로 가장 많은 비.. (구)카테고리/해외화제 2022. 1. 26.
How to start a conversation on a dating app I never realized how bad people are at conversation until I started using dating apps. I have always considered myself pretty decent at conversation — I am sure there are some people who find me awkward, or just aren’t a fan of mine for whatever reason. But, for the most part, I consider myself someone who can talk about a variety of subjects, with a variety of people. I never realized how much .. (구)카테고리/해외화제 2021. 7. 27.
How to start Business?! Starting a new small business? Find out where to begin and how to achieve success. You want to make sure you prepare thoroughly before starting a business, but realize that things will almost certainly go awry. To run a successful business, you must adapt to changing situations. Conducting in-depth market research on your field and the demographics of your potential clientele is an important par.. (구)카테고리/해외화제 2021. 7. 27.
dalgona coffee recipe The Korean coffee drink taking the internet by storm, dalgona coffee is like a cappucino turned on its head, with the frothy coffee on top and the milk underneath. It only requires three ingredients to make and you can have it hot or cold. The hardest part is getting your picture just right! Share Add to favourites Shopping list Print recipe Preparation time less than 30 mins Cooking time less t.. (구)카테고리/해외화제 2021. 7. 18.