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마스크 생성 관련

ko.konene 발행일 : 2012-02-06

FSEarthTiles.ini의 선택적으로 마스크를 생성할 수 있는 부분입니다.

#--- Earth Masks Config ---
CreateWaterMaskBitmap = Yes # yes = create Water/Blend Mask. (An Area Vectors file (.Kml or .svg) is required for this!) - 워터 마스크 생성
# The following Masks can be aktivated but Seasons are not yet fully coded in V0.8. Created Bitmaps will not be feed to the FSCompiler.

CreateSummerBitmap = No # yes = create Summer Texture * Important! -> *, A summer Texture is required when you want to work with FSEM's Color Adaption for Water Regions. - 여름 텍스쳐 생성

CreateNightBitmap = yes # yes = create Night Texture  - 밤 마스크 생성
CreateSpringBitmap = No # yes = create Spring Texture - 봄 텍스쳐 생성
CreateAutumnBitmap = No # yes = create Autumn Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts) - 가을 텍스쳐 생성
CreateWinterBitmap = No # yes = create Winter Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts) - 겨울텍스쳐 생성
CreateHardWinterBitmap = NO # yes = create Hard Winter Texture (Thomas M. routines check FSEM Scripts) - 하드한 겨울 텍스쳐[눈덮힘이 많은 텍스쳐]

BlendBorders = NO # yes = auto blend Borders (Blend-Transition) of an (Multi-)Area

